[Rockland] GFP Monoclonal Antibody

등록일2024. 08. 23
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[Rockland] GFP Monoclonal Antibody

[Rockland] Products

어스바이오는 Rockland 전문 취급점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
Rockland의 Monoclonal Antibodies 제품을 소개드립니다.


[Rockland] GFP Monoclonal Antibody

GFP Monoclonal Antibody

Product Details:

  • Anti-GFP (MOUSE) Monoclonal Antibody - 600-301-215
  • mouse anti-GFP antibody, Green Fluorescent Protein, GFP antibody, Green Fluorescent Protein antibody, EGFP, enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein, Aequorea victoria, Jellyfish
  • Mouse
  • Monoclonal
  • IgG
  • GFP, eGFP, rGFP
  • Recombinant Protein
  • Recombinant Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) fusion protein corresponding to the full length amino acid sequence (246 aa) derived from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria.
  • GFP Monoclonal Antibody was prepared from tissue culture supernatant by Protein A affinity chromatography. Assay by Immunoelectrophoresis resulted in a single precipitin arc against anti-Mouse Serum. Reactivity is observed against recombinant Green Fluorescent Protein (000-001-215) from Aequorea victoria by both Western blot and ELISA. No reaction is seen against RFP.

Shipping & Handling:

  • Shipping Condition: Dry Ice
  • Storage Condition: Store mouse anti-GFP at -20° C prior to opening. Aliquot contents and freeze at -20° C or below for extended storage. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing. Centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature. This product is stable for several weeks at 4° C as an undiluted liquid. Dilute only prior to immediate use.

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